Sunday 8 July 2007

Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail document 10000 Sunday 8 July 2007

Editor©Muhammad Haque Document reference No. 10000 8July 2007

Khoodeelaar! the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1Area campaign against Crossrail hole Bill

By Muhammad Haque London 1300 Hrs GMT Sunday 8 July 2007

Khoodeelaar! is a Seelotee language word created by organiser
Muhammad Haque to signify the oncoming attacks via Crossrail hole
plan against the Brick Lane, Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 area.
Khoodeelaar! contains a number of direct campaigning statements. It
warns of the invasion of the community by an army of diggers. It says
they are about to dig or are already digging or will do the digging right
here in the middle of our community. Khoodeelaar! calls on the
community to stay alert to the threat of the Crossrail hole plot and
oppose the digging.
The Khoodeelaar! movement against Crossrail plot against the East End
of London is also part of the wider social movement for the protection
of all the gains made over centuries of campaigns for civil liberties in
the UK and in similar metropolitan cities. London is being turned upside
down by the one-sided agenda for the destruction of local
communities, the local environments and for the curtailment of the
already truncated democratic rights and freedoms. The East End of
London is known and admitted by ALL independent students of social
conditions as being one urban location that contains one of the UK’s
MOST DEPRIVED parts. It is for this reason that we must not allow the
power-holders to make our area even more deprived. The power
holders will make it even more deprived if we buy their lies. Lies such
as the one they peddle to the effect that the Crossrail hole plot will
‘bring benefits’ to the area. Crossrail cannot bring benefits to an area
which is part of the targets of abuse by Crossrail. It will bring no
benefits to an area whose population will be displaced and dislocated
by the Big Business looting programme of which Crossrail is a part. In
all the documents that are available publicly and as put out by the
forces behind the Crossrail hole plot, the main description they give of
the London Crossrail is that of a railway that is intended to link Canary
Wharf, the City of London with the Heathrow airport. This description
cannot be disguised. The Crossrail promoters have no intention of
‘benefiting’ the East End of London. Crossrail is not about benefiting
the East End. It is not about benefiting the targets of the economic
programme that Crossrail is a part of. That is why the Crossrail hole
potters have been exposed as being the apologists and the spinsters
acting for the City of London and other profit- and loot interested
touts for Big Business. They NEVER want to benefit people they rob.
They cannot benefit people they deprive. They cannot be expected to
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Khoodeelaar! Sunday 8 July 2007
Editor©Muhammad Haque Document reference No. 10000 8July 2007
benefit and defend the rights of the people whom they want to violate.
This is not logical. This is not supported by the evidence of history.
The history of the communities destroyed in order to allow the
profiteers to make mega bucks by robbing the people. It happens
locally. It happens internationally. And this is why the Crossrail hole
plotters resorted to the craft of bribing the ‘local’ Tower Hamlets
Council. They entered into a deal to ‘present’ a ‘Crossrail station’ at
We have collated their documents which we have looked for and
identified over the past 42 months of the Khoodeelaar! campaign. We
have applied all universal and objective standards and tested the
veracity of whatever the peddlers of the Crossrail hole plot have
asserted. On each and very key issue, we have found that they have
been lying. We have published the main strands and the evidence of
Crossrail lying in our publications during the past 42 months. we have
put our findings to the Crossrail hole Ministers who have held the post
in the Department for Transport in the relevant years. The Ministers
have been in this order, so far - Alistair Darling, Douglas Alexander and
[now] Ruth Kelly. None of these ministers [‘Secretary of State’ at the
‘Department for Transport’] has answered the core questions we have
put to them about the fundamental flaws of the Crossrail Bill. The main
reason why they have not been able to answer our questions is that
they cannot answer the questions. The evidence shows that they
would have serious problems - all of their own making - if they were
even notionally prepared to answer our questions. To answer our
questions would amount to their accepting our demand that they have
to scrap the Crossrail Bill as it is. They will have to contradict
themselves on the record. They will have to accept they in the past
they lied over Crossrail. They will not admit to so much confirmation of
the fact that they have been engaged in so much wrongdoing and so
much lying for Crossrail! That is why they have not answered our
questions. Our questions have ranged from being about the actual
transport needs in London and the most economic and the most
socially sustainable way of dealing with the needs. We have also asked
questions about how they came to draft the Crossrail. Bill as it is. We
have in particular wanted to know why they have been lying about
benefiting people when the Crossrail Bill is a technically, economically
and socially contradictory mess. We have wanted to know why they
have been engaged in bribing local councils such as Tower Hamlets. We
have asked why they inserted the ‘parliamentary’ gag which meant
that people with serious evidence and queries about the contradictory
contents of the Crossrail Bill have been prevented from presenting
those before the so-called democratically elected House of Commons.
We have also put the same questions to the so-called Crossrail Bill
team within the Department for Transport. None of the specialist ‘civil
servants’ has been able to answer our questions. We have challenged
the main public fronter of the Crossrail hole plot, that is ‘Undone
mayor’ Ken Livingstone. He has not been able to answer our questions.
On the facts of his conduct, Livingstone has been engaged in a
process of denial. As part of Livingstone's strategy of lying for Big
Business Crossrail hole our legal and constitutional quizzing of the
‘Transport for London’

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